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Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is by far the best procedure to save teeth with large cavities or very severe infections. After all, restoring them into a good and healthy condition is always the better choice, as there is nothing better than your natural teeth.

Each tooth has a pulp chamber where blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues can be found. These are responsible for the vitality of the tooth. However, when the pulp in this chamber is infected, it becomes necessary for patients to get a root canal treatment to prevent further damage.

The process of removing an infection from the chamber is commonly known as root canal therapy. It is a safe, effective, and pain-free procedure to prevent damage to the quality and appearance of your natural tooth. Root canal therapy is done using anesthesia, thus it is a stress free treatment. During the procedure, the infected inner components are removed, which prevents the remaining root and tooth structure from being damaged.

Patients may need to return for multiple appointments for the full procedure, which can then be completed with a crown.

How to Know If You Need a Root Canal?

There are many possible reasons that people may experience the symptoms of tooth decay. The main causes being profound decay, broken tooth, cavities and ineffective past dental treatments. Some of the symptoms for tooth decay are:

  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Severe Pain
  • Tooth Discoloration
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Sensitivity to Hot & Cold
  • Tenderness in lymph nodes
  • Tenderness to touch and chewing

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, there is a possibility that you may need immediate root canal therapy, or at least a visit to the dentist. Leaving the tooth untreated can spread the infection to the jaw as a result systemic infection can occur.

The Root Canal Treatment Procedure

The root canal treatment begins with cutting a small access hole in the tooth. The debris and infection are to be removed through this hole from the pulp chamber. Once the dentist is assured about the cleaning of the debris and infection from the pulp chamber, another X-Ray may be done to ensure the success. After this, the roots and pulp chamber are filled with gutta-percha and the access hole is filled. A dental crown is then used to protect the feeble tooth to avoid damage in the future. The dentist will take a size of your tooth and prepare a crown that resembles your natural shape. The dental crown works best to protect the weakened tooth without compromising aesthetics.

If you suspect you have tooth decay or feel sensitivity while eating or drinking hot and cold foods, be sure to report to our certified team immediately.


Tooth Removal

Tooth removal or tooth extraction can be daunting. This is because the roots of teeth are quite strong, deep in to the gums. It is a common procedure to save the other teeth from the particular damaged tooth when the repair is not possible. At Mount Pleasant Dentistry, we take a preventative approach to dental care to help patients enjoy a better lifestyle with painless tooth removal.

Some of the most common reasons when tooth extraction may be performed include:


Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the morals that are the farthest back in the mouth. They are last to grow and appear usually after the age 18. In most cases, due to less space for growth, the wisdom teeth don’t grow properly and hence becomes impacted. Due to the impacted wisdom teeth, various problems may occur like infection, decay, tumors, even gum diseases. In order to prevent the potential problems, it is suggested to extract wisdom teeth.

Removal of wisdom teeth is a complex process and needs expertise. As a leader in dentistry, Mount Pleasant Dentistry offers the most professional, painless tooth removal.

Teeth Infection

In case of severe infection, where the repair is not possible and even the restoration approaches are unable to save the tooth, extraction may be helpful to save the others from getting damaged.

Routine Extraction

We follow the most advanced, modern dental healthcare approach to make tooth extraction painless, quick and fast. We use the best local anaesthetic to provide comfort to patients during the extraction process. The extraction treatment doesn’t end with the removal itself, but we also offer the follow-up support that may be helpful for better healing.

Dental Ultrasonic Scaling

The Secret for Beautiful Smile

The secret for a beautiful smile is clean, shiny and well-maintained teeth. Regular brushing and flossing your teeth (Teeth Cleaning) will definitely aid in achieving this, but a professional dental exam at least once every six months is mandatory to keep the dental problems at bay. This is merely because food causes a build up plaque around the teeth, which attracts bacteria and turns it into a hard layer called calculus or tartar. Overtime, this has potential of risks of developing loose teeth or cavities. Calculus is one of the most common reasons for periodontal diseases as it weakens the gums. Many people may be unaware of this, but numerous of their dental problems may be due to calculus.

Thus, visiting a dentist after every six months is a smart choice to keep your teeth healthy and clean with Dental Ultrasonic Scaling or Dental Cleaning.

During the dental checkup session, your dentist will check for existing layers of calculus and signs of periodontal disease by measuring the space between your teeth and gums. This will help determine the condition of your teeth. Likewise, timely treatments will greatly help deal with any problems, as they are easily treated at the earliest stage.

Why Do You Need Teeth Cleaning?

The thick and sticky layer of plaque turns into a hard surface above and below the gum line. This layer of tartar results in various periodontal diseases as it infects the gums surrounding the teeth. Overtime, your teeth start to lose their strength and begin to decay. However, this can be avoided by regular teeth cleaning with Dental Ultrasonic Scaling, as it is highly effective at retaining healthy gum and teeth conditions.

The benefits of Dental Ultrasonic Scaling include:

1. It’s highly effective at treating gum disease.
2. It helps restore your gum health.
3. Removes plaque and tartar build-up, resulting in prevention from tooth decay.
4. Helps treat the large pockets between teeth & gums.
5. Protects the roots of your teeth when harmful plaque begin to build up.
6. Improves overall oral health and treats various problems like tooth decay, gum diseases.

Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning helps deal with gum diseases, which are the most common reason for tooth loss in adults. And since it is a quick and pain free dental procedure, there’s no reason to say “No”, as it will only benefit your oral health! During the cleaning session, your dentist will not only remove the layer of plaque from the teeth, but also analyze the overall health of your teeth and provide you with a full checkup.

The process of teeth cleaning is done using a variety of instruments. Your dentist will gently clean your gums and the surroundings of teeth using sensitive equipment known as the ultrasonic machine. This will gently loosen the plaque so it’s easy to remove. The final stage of the cleaning process is polishing. To do this, a special kind of polishing paste is used to clean your teeth, which gives them a new shine. It ends with flossing your teeth to make
sure the surface feels perfectly smooth and clean.

As experts, we are dedicated at offering professional care and advanced dental treatments (at Mount Pleasant Dentistry) using Dental Ultrasonic Scaling to ensure that you are free from all oral health problems.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction – Reasons & What to do After Surgery

Wisdom teeth are located at the posterior of your mouth. There is very less space for the wisdom teeth to grow properly. Therefore chances are that the tooth may grow improperly and in different direction to the other teeth. This is why it is suggested by most dentists that these teeth get removed for the better oral health. (Wisdom Tooth Extraction)
Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical process which must be done by a licensed and professional expert. The dentist may be using the following anaesthesia’s during the surgery:

  • Local anaesthesia
  • Sedation anaesthesia
  • General anaesthesia

Post-Surgery Care Tips

While the wisdom tooth extraction surgery is done using special care, but there are a few tips that the patients can follow for faster and better recovery.

Use Ice Pack

Using ice pack is the best method to avoid the pain you may face after a few hours of the surgery. Of course, you may not feel the pain just after the extraction, but when the anaesthesia loses its effects, you will feel it. So in order to avoid the pain and to stop bleeding, it is suggested to use ice pack or simply put an ice cube inside your mouth.

Oral Cleaning

After the wisdom tooth extraction, you have a wound at the extraction site. It is important to keep care of your oral health and hygiene so you are sure that the wound isn’t affected. The day following surgery you should begin rinsing 5—6 times a day so you can be sure about your oral health. Use a cup of water and mix some salt in it for rinsing.

No Smoking or Tea/Coffee

You may crave for tea or coffee after the surgery. Therefore it is suggested by the experts to avoided the craving. Beverages like tea or coffee contain nicotine, which is not good for your wound. It may worsen the condition. Similarly, it is also important to avoid smoking. Smoking may leave a negative impact over your healing power. It is suggested to avoid smoking for at least a few weeks, until you feel healthy and healed again.

Eat Ice Cream

If you love ice cream, then here is the reason to rejoice.  You may be suggested by the dentist to have a lot of ice cream after the extraction surgery. Ice cream is cold and it helps close the wound that has been made due to the surgical process inside your mouth.

Using these tips will not just help you avoid the pain of wisdom tooth extraction surgery, but also help you heal the wound easily and faster without using any medications.

At Mount Pleasant Dentistry we will guide you about the complete procedure and how to take proper care about the surgery.

Ortho Treatment

How Long it Takes For Straight Teeth with Braces

The most common question asked by global people dealing with unaligned teeth is ‘how to make teeth straight without braces’. It’s nearly impossible to achieve it without braces. Most people have a common query ‘how long it takes for straight teeth with braces?’

Well the answer for it depends on many factors. According to the surveys, it’s been found that it takes an average of 24 months to complete orthodontic treatment. Here are a few factors that affect the time you need to use the braces.


One of the most common factors that has been noticed when it comes to the effects of ortho treatment is your age. While it’s possible for people of all ages to get straight teeth with braces. It’s always recommended to get them done during the early stage of life. It is because the jaws are growing at the early ages. It can be easier for your dentist to manipulate the dental skeletal without aggressive treatment.

Individual Case

Another prime factor affecting the time you need to use braces during the ortho treatment is the severity of your case. It also depends upon the type of skeletal and dental issues. If you have mild crowding or spacing likewise you may get rid of the braces within a few months or a year. If you have severe crowding, you may need to undergo the treatment much longer.

What You Put Into It

When it comes to better care of your teeth, your individual care makes a lot more difference to the results you get with your ortho treatment. A non-compliant patient can prolong treatment and make it difficult to finish with a good result. If you aim to achieve better results on time, it’s important that you support your dentist.You can take better care of your teeth to get exceptional results in a short time. By individual care means taking care of your oral hygiene, attending all of your appointments, and taking the medicines on time.

Additional Factors

While you age, the severity of your dental problems, type of Ortho Treatment you choose and your level of compliance all play a role in how long you’ll be in treatment. Remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all methodology available for better and straighter teeth treatments. Every patient is different and teeth move at different speeds. Thus the only way to know how long you will need to wear braces is to visit your trusted dental specialist. The dentist will analyze your condition and the other factors like your age, severity of gums, etc. This can help you know the time required to keep your braces on for straighter teeth.

The consultation from an expert (at Mount Pleasant Dentistry) makes a great difference as it is about your teeth. You must not make any excepting with it.

Dental Implants

Top Myths about Dental Implants Treatment

For decades, dentures was the only available option for people suffering from tooth loss. It was only with the dentures they could restore the structure and function of their mouth. With the changing technology and advanced dental science methodologies, more options are now available for the dental patients. Dental implants is one of the best treatments available for patients suffering from tooth loss.

However, many people avoid taking the treatment because they believe some common dental implant myths. In order to help you understand the treatment and its results better, I’d like to bust the common myths about dental implants.

People will notice your implants

No, it’s not anything that people can see and know that you don’t have the natural teeth. In fact, this is one of the best things about the dental science technology that the implants closely resemble normal teeth. There’s hardly anyone who can tell you whether you are using the implants or have natural teeth.It is only possible when you tell them or they conduct a close study on your teeth.

They are uncomfortable

Are you uncomfortable with your natural teeth? If not, then you are surely going to enjoy the dental implants. Most people avoid using the implants because they believe they are painful. They Believe it will make them uncomfortable while speaking, eating etc. However, the reality is that many patients express that the procedure was simpler. Is is less painful than they had imagined. Once the dental implants are in place, they will look and feel just like your real natural teeth.

It’s a costly treatment

One of the most common reasons that people avoid undergoing dental implant treatment is their belief about it being costly enough to make them bankrupt. But this is not the reality as implants treatment is actually affordable. If you think about long-term expense you would spend on your dental treatments. For example, the implants are cheaper than the bridges or crowns that will only last for 7-15 years before they need to be replaced.

They need a lot of maintenance

Most people think that dental implants require a lot of maintenance and care on your side. Actually, dental implants should be treated like any other normal tooth. You just need to do the regular dental care process like brushing and flossing. You can still eat what you want and chew gum. No need to worry about the special precautions or visiting the dentist every two months to care for your implants.

So now that you know that dental implants are similar to your natural teeth. You need not to spend time on the care procedures, it’s time to go ahead and get your own implants procedure done with the trusted dentistry in brampton like Mount Pleasant Dentistry. You can enjoy smiling throughout your life without worrying about the dentures that will get affected or look unnatural in the long run. Dental implants are just like your natural and real teeth so you need not to worry about anything.

Dental X-Rays

Dental Diagnosis

Dental X-Rays is a dental diagnostic method that provides valuable information that would be otherwise invisible to the naked eyes. Mount Pleasant Dentistry takes pride in offering new state-of-the-art Digital X-Ray Technology so you can receive the most necessary care without unnecessary radiation.

Our advanced machines and expertise help deliver results that are as accurate as conventional x-rays and even reveal things traditional films can’t.

Dental x-rays may reveal

  • Tooth Decay
  • Tooth Cavity
  • Abnormal Tooth & Root Positions
  • Infections related to tooth
  • Bone level

Dental x-rays are an important component of advanced preventive dental treatment. Hence it is important that latest methods are taken to complete the process. It helps assess the overall condition of your teeth and their roots, the overall composition of your facial bones. Timely conducting dental x-ray can be helpful to find and treat dental problems at early stage. As a result there is less pain while treatment and detection of dental health problems, resulting in saving you time, money and unnecessary discomfort.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

In the modern time, we are all exposed to natural radiation in our environment. During a full-mouth series, patients are exposed to the same amount of radiation that person receives in a single day from natural sources. The advanced x-ray machines product less level of radiation, which means they’re safe. Our team of experts take necessary precautions to limit your exposure to the radiation during the x-ray procedure.

Some of the preventive measures we take to reduce the level of radiation consumption during x-ray include using lead apron shields to protect the body and the use of sensors. The preventive measures taken during dental x-rays help cuts down the exposure time of each x-ray.

We have the latest x-ray equipment that are all digital, thyroid protected, lead aprons.

How often should dental X-Rays be taken?

It depends on each patient’s individual dental health needs. According to your dental condition, your dentist will recommend necessary x-rays in order to review dental condition, signs and symptoms of dental problems.

New Patients

In order to maintain a well-maintained dental health, it is recommended to ask your dentist to take a dental x-ray. As it helps diagnose dental health and to be sure about the safety of your teeth.

Existing Patients

We understand your dental health needs. It is recommended that our patients have dental x-rays get every 12 months. Some patients have pathology-free mouths who need to get their X-rays taken every couple of years.

As a leading dentistry team, we are proud to have the most advanced, quick x-ray machines. It helps in delivering accurate results for better healthcare. With timely detection of dental health problems we’re able to help ensure a future where everyone will be free from almost every type of dental problems.