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Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is by far the best procedure to save teeth with large cavities or very severe infections. After all, restoring them into a good and healthy condition is always the better choice, as there is nothing better than your natural teeth.

Each tooth has a pulp chamber where blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues can be found. These are responsible for the vitality of the tooth. However, when the pulp in this chamber is infected, it becomes necessary for patients to get a root canal treatment to prevent further damage.

The process of removing an infection from the chamber is commonly known as root canal therapy. It is a safe, effective, and pain-free procedure to prevent damage to the quality and appearance of your natural tooth. Root canal therapy is done using anesthesia, thus it is a stress free treatment. During the procedure, the infected inner components are removed, which prevents the remaining root and tooth structure from being damaged.

Patients may need to return for multiple appointments for the full procedure, which can then be completed with a crown.

How to Know If You Need a Root Canal?

There are many possible reasons that people may experience the symptoms of tooth decay. The main causes being profound decay, broken tooth, cavities and ineffective past dental treatments. Some of the symptoms for tooth decay are:

  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Severe Pain
  • Tooth Discoloration
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Sensitivity to Hot & Cold
  • Tenderness in lymph nodes
  • Tenderness to touch and chewing

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, there is a possibility that you may need immediate root canal therapy, or at least a visit to the dentist. Leaving the tooth untreated can spread the infection to the jaw as a result systemic infection can occur.

The Root Canal Treatment Procedure

The root canal treatment begins with cutting a small access hole in the tooth. The debris and infection are to be removed through this hole from the pulp chamber. Once the dentist is assured about the cleaning of the debris and infection from the pulp chamber, another X-Ray may be done to ensure the success. After this, the roots and pulp chamber are filled with gutta-percha and the access hole is filled. A dental crown is then used to protect the feeble tooth to avoid damage in the future. The dentist will take a size of your tooth and prepare a crown that resembles your natural shape. The dental crown works best to protect the weakened tooth without compromising aesthetics.

If you suspect you have tooth decay or feel sensitivity while eating or drinking hot and cold foods, be sure to report to our certified team immediately.